Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Birthday James!

James turned 3! We were at the condo for his actual birthday, so when he woke up, Nathan made him a birthday pancake! It was topped with a smiley face of M&Ms and a number 3 candle. We sang Happy Birthday to him and we started the birthday fiesta. Notice the photo of the mound of pancakes? Those were the LEFTOVERS! :) We doubled the recipe, silly us, and we had enough left to fee the Army.
Then came presents... Nathan and I gave him a new Radio Flier Big Wheel complete with a flag, and Kaitlyn (even had time to go shopping!) got him a new Go Diego Go Rescue Truck! WOW! Steve, Alex and Gabe gave him a Candy Land game... but it's different, it's awesome! You pull on the candy cane to eject a shape, and if you have that shape on your gingerbread man, then you put it on him. Each gingerbread man has four different shapes. Once you complete your gingerbread man decorating, you're done! My child is saying, "octagon!" and "oval!" it just cracks me up. Alex and Gabe also got James two cars... they're trying to get him into cars as much as they are. We'll see! ;) Those boys are so cute with those cars! Alex knows EVERY car and it's name. Gabe asks Alex, "What is this car called?" Ha.
We headed home just before lunch (not a good time) so we had to hit McDonald's on the way out of town. A birthday isn't complete without a Happy Meal, right? Right. Whatever. So after that binge feast, we got in the car and the kids were out within two minutes of leaving New Smyrna.
Twenty minutes into the car ride, we stopped to put a diaper on James keeping our fingers crossed that both kids would fall back asleep. They did NOT fall back asleep. Ugh, we live, we learn. Next time I'll take an accident on the car seat rather than waking them up... yes, disgusting, yes, I value their sleep that much.
I crashed when we got home since I'm struggling with some sort of a fever/head cold deal. I've been getting through the birthday party stuff though, so at least that's good.
The rest of James' birthday was pretty uneventful. The party was on the 24th, and boy do I have some good video and photos to put up!