Monday, October 26, 2009


The kids and I stopped into one of those temporary Halloween stores a few days ago to try to find a Batman costume for James. After discovering that, like Target, they were out of all of James' size, we perused the rest of the store.
James wandered to the back of the store where there were three archways with spooky life-sized motorized "things". To get them to move, you pushed the big red button in front of them. I followed James and Kaitlyn followed me. James pushed the button in front of one of the zombies. His head turned, his eyes followed, and there was blood all over him like he had just hacked someone with an axe. James was fine, but Kaitlyn got one glimpse of this thing and LOST IT. She screamed so loud and turned bright red and started running away! My poor baby! I couldn't help but giggle a little bit though. ;)