Friday, March 6, 2009

Time-out and I do it.

Kaitlyn had her first ever time out today on the naughty spot. Since she's almost 2 now, I thought it's time to make a go of it after her all out fit about not being able to hold the wet wipes from the bathroom. She was irate! I was trying to get her socks on to then put her shoes on but her fit went so wild that she was taking her socks OFF after I would get them on. This was a lot of fun since I was trying to get us out the door to take James to school.
She actually did quite well with the whole thing, she only got up once. She knows what "stay here" means apparently. Ha. Here we go!
Kaitlyn also has an obsession with doing things by herself. "I do it!" she says and pushes your hand away. She loves buckles, especially the buckle on her booster seat and the one in the car seat. I'm totally fine with her doing things by herself as long as she can a) HURRY UP and b) do it correctly. This never happens. Ha.