Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Oh I've been feeling pretty guilty about our impending trip to Greece (however once I'm on the plane ready to fly out of MCO those feelings will be squashed by a mimosa in First Class! ;) ). James has decided in the last few days to get sappy on me. From telling me at bed time, "Mom, I REALLY need you. I really NEED you!" and "I want you to always be with me". Then yesterday in the car on the way home from school he said, "Mom... I really have to tell you something."
"Ok? What is it James?" I said for about the bazillionth time not expecting anything but the standard car talk.
"I really love you," he said in the most sincere quietest voice ever.
"Oh honey, thank you! That was really sweet, James!" I said back.
GAAAAAAAH! How am I supposed to NOT melt?

He and Kaitlyn are watching Wall-E right now and it's at a point where Wall-E and Eva get separated. James is standing at a distance away from the TV because he got scared, ran away, and then came back to watch. He muttered, fighting back the tears, "I really hope they are going to be friends forever!"

Books a million

I have found Kaitlyn with books in her bed for the last few nights. Usually I can hear the ruckus and I go in there and take them away and tell her, "Kaitlyn, NO books in bed." Sometimes that does the trick, other times, it does not. Last night, I told her, "Kaitlyn, if you get out of bed and go get books, I'm going to take Lovie away." I didn't hear anything else from her (she's got a cold and I figured she'd be out in a flash) so I figured she was out. When I checked on her at 9:30 before heading to my own bed, I found her, little Kaitlyn, surrounded by a sea of books. Not one or two, but TWELVE books. I piled them all up and went over to her book case and it looked like she had taken almost all of her books out of the book case and spread them all over the floor. Now how did I NOT hear that?!?! I giggled pretty hard when I saw the sea of books in her bed, but still, a bit perplexed that I hadn't heard her get out of bed, go to her book case and spill all the books.
I told Nathan about this little experience when I came back downstairs, and he said to me, "She's stealthy! Have you ever thought that maybe she doesn't get out of bed? That she reaches over her foot board and into the book case and and just pulls?" Oooooooh... good point. I'm going to have to clarify my words when I tell her that she's not allowed to get out of bed to get her books. Sigh. She's TWO and already outsmarting me. Nathan and I are in trouble. :)
After I checked on Kaitlyn, I checked on James. He was asleep, but Al Bundy style. His diaper was almost pushed all the way off of his bottom. I am thankful I checked on him rather than just assuming he was okay. We would have had a mess! I took him to the potty, got him diapered up again and put back in bed. I'm not even sure he was awake at all.
We have tried the Pull Ups for James at night. Yes, the NIGHT TIME pull ups, and have not had any success. They leak like crazy, or they just don't hold enough. James has always stockpiled his wee wee for during the night, even when we make him go before he gets into bed, AND at like 10:30 before we go to bed too. So now he's back into Overnights. Sigh. We'll get passed it someday.