Monday, October 26, 2009


The kids and I stopped into one of those temporary Halloween stores a few days ago to try to find a Batman costume for James. After discovering that, like Target, they were out of all of James' size, we perused the rest of the store.
James wandered to the back of the store where there were three archways with spooky life-sized motorized "things". To get them to move, you pushed the big red button in front of them. I followed James and Kaitlyn followed me. James pushed the button in front of one of the zombies. His head turned, his eyes followed, and there was blood all over him like he had just hacked someone with an axe. James was fine, but Kaitlyn got one glimpse of this thing and LOST IT. She screamed so loud and turned bright red and started running away! My poor baby! I couldn't help but giggle a little bit though. ;)

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Today was the Methodist School's Fall Festival. I was working at James' class booth, the snow cone stand, and Nathan surprised me with Kaitlyn as a butterfly! I wish I would have seen how they painted this on! WOW!

Mr. The King returns!

When James and I flew to Minneapolis last month for Matt and Kari's wedding, I bought him The King in the Orlando Airport. The King is a car character from Cars the movie. It was new and cool to James because he has holographic eyes. The King went everywhere with us, and proved to be a great toy for James until we lost him at Sam and Mary Ann's house. Mary Ann told us that she would send it if she found it, but I didn't really thin there was a chance of her actually finding the car.
ALAS! She found The King and she also sent a new toy truck for James and a toy for Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn loves Jasmine, her Disney Princess from Alladin the movie.
Thank you Mary Ann!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I think my heart just melted... or tore in half.

Kaitlyn has been telling me, when I'm ready to leave her room at night, "Don't go bye bye Mommy, I neeeeed you!"
I asked Nathan yesterday if he had had her say that to him or not yet, and it just so happened that she tried to pull that trick on him that night. Nathan was getting ready to go out to watch football at a local watering hole when he came into her room to give her a kiss.
"Don't go bye bye Daddy," she says while grabbing him like she were about to fall into a pit of hot lava, "I need you!"
Nathan looked at me and we nearly fell onto the floor. Laugh? Cry? What do we do? It's so cute, it just melts my heart. I know that she is NOT really going to get hurt feelings when we leave, since other times she says bye without a problem and is a very independent little girl. I really don't know where this came from, but it's sooo sweet.

Friday, October 16, 2009

These kids keep me guessing!

James has been sick this week. He's had a bad cough, sore throat (that seemed to not last long) and a really high fever! My poor baby. It's so awful to look into your son's eyes and see pure exhaustion. He even fell asleep on the couch last night after dinner, something he never does. He seems to have turned the corner today though, with a better attitude and more energy to spend playing with Kaitlyn. The sparkle is coming back into those beautiful eyes of his! Luckily he didn't miss much school this week as they had a school break yesterday and today.
Kaitlyn pooped and peed on the potty last night, so James and I were sitting in the bathroom with her tonight to try to get a repeat performance. He started saying, "Go Kaitlyn! Go!" He then looked at me, raised his eyebrows and said with a nod of his head, "I'm cheering for her, you know!" I laughed out loud!

Kaitlyn is still being difficult at bed time. Last night when putting her to bed I told her that if she got out of bed, I was going to take Lovie away. Sure enough, she did get out of bed, and I caught her going into the bathroom. I put her in bed and took Lovie from her, and told her, "I'm going to turn off your nightlight now too. You need to stay in bed." She cried for a few minutes, but then she was quiet. Finally!
I went upstairs to check on her around 10:30 and found her asleep, but not in bed. She was on the floor just inside her room sound asleep!
The night just got more strange too... at 3:15 in the morning, I heard noise coming from James' monitor. I had to go upstairs to investigate, thinking that since James had fallen asleep on the couch pretty early, he thought that 3:15 was a good time to wake up for the day.
I was slightly baffled to find that the hallway light was on, and James door was open. His room light, however, was still off (he usually turns it on when he's up and playing in his room). I rounded the corner and walked into James' room ready to tell him to get back to bed. Instead, however, I found Kaitlyn in James' room! She was helping herself to James' puzzles at 3:15 in the morning! James was still asleep in his bed, running a fever and quiet as can be.
REALLY Kaitlyn?!? I told her to go get back in bed. After she crawled in, I told her, "Kaitlyn, it's still sleepy time, it's the middle of the night!"
"Ok Mom, I go night night!"
Thankfully that was all of the commotion for the rest of the night. :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Bye Bye Naps?

James hasn't been napping very well lately, if at all. Once in a while he lays in bed quite easily and falls asleep, but most days now, he fights having to nap. It's bittersweet for me... watching my baby grow is wonderful, but I will miss my quiet time and MY naps. :)
Kaitlyn too, has been skipping some naps in the afternoon. It's extremely frustrating to me to think of her growing out of her nap already at the age of 2 and a half. No way. It can't be. I keep praying to God to help this phase stop and for her to keep up with napping. On the other hand, and there usually always IS another side, if she does nap, she takes forever to fall asleep at night. She never wants me to leave after I tuck her into bed (since I'm so awesome and all), and then she sits up there and plays with books in bed or toys on her floor. She's sneaky too... she's very quiet. If she hears me coming to talk to her, she runs back to bed! Stinker.
SO... maybe if the nap goes away it won't be the worst thing in the world, but I still want her to nap! She's just too young!

Kaitlyn has been enjoying school so much, and this morning when I dropped them off, she exclaimed, "I get to go to school toooo!" It is so sweet, and I love thinking about how far she came in just over one month, from crying at drop off to being excited to go see her friends.
When it is time for dismissal at school, my kids go to separate places to be picked up, so I have to go through the car pool line twice in different places. It's kind of a hassle, but no big deal really. I usually go get Kaitlyn first since she's younger and newer at the whole school thing, and James understands he needs to stay put until I drive up.
Kaitlyn makes me giggle when we pull up to get James and he gets in the car. She asks him so nicely, "How are you doing, James?" It's so cute!
She is also very consistent about telling someone when they've done a good job. "Good job singing, Mommy!" or "Good job, James!" It's so sweet, and I can only assume she gets that from her most wonderful role model... me. ;)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm Sorry Mommy!

Kaitlyn has been noticing when she hurts people, and usually says, "I'm sorry!" right away.
Sometimes, however, she means to hurt James. He does the same to her, of course, but she really knows how to taunt him. She takes things right out of his hands and then after he cries and I tell him to ask for it back nicely, he asks and she replies with, "NO!" It really is funny... but I feel so bad for James because he does a great job asking her for it back and then she totally denies him. She also likes to push him, hit him and throw things at him. Nice, huh?
James, too, has his moments where he shows aggression. For instance, if Kaitlyn takes something from him and he wants it back, he'll aggressively poke her or push her. It frustrates me to no end, and is one thing that Nathan and I need to work on with him... controlling his temper.
They both are very sweet about apologizing when they hurt me or Nathan or anyone else, but when it comes to each other they are total siblings about it. They say sorry, but don't really mean it. Ha.