Friday, January 14, 2011

Bad morning turned to good morning.

My day started off pretty badly but thankfully took a turn for the better. James was in a sour mood this morning and didn't want to go to school. First he told me that he didn't have school and when I told him that he did, he insisted that he didn't want to go. I asked him to get himself dressed twice. He ignored me and remained on his bed in his PJs. He got to sit on the naughty spot for 5 minutes.

We got down stairs for breakfast and I saw what I had forgotten.... On the stove sat a lovely pot of chili that I had made last night for us to eat tonight for dinner. I forgot to put it away in the fridge before collapsing in bed. All that work, all that food, all that money, went down the drain... and I was TICKED.

It's been colder than 45 degrees the last few mornings, so James' school had "rainy day" drop off instead of a normal gathering in the parking lot for morning prayer.

He seemed a bit lethargic when he got out of the car, but immediately changed his tune when the cool air hit his face. He did his usual... he started running/bouncing towards the school entrance where the Principal, Mrs. Walsh, stands and helps direct traffic. He went over to her to give her a hug. He hugs her every morning, he'll even wait if she's talking to someone, and she is always so welcoming and sweet to hug him back. I remember being petrified of my principal in school, I guess times have changed. ;)

I went to mass at SMM this morning at 9. The Kindergarten classes had planned it, and James was a greeter, so I wanted to surprise him when I walked in. He was standing at a side door instead of the main door, so I didn't see him right away. I had to ask Mrs. Danagher where he was, she pointed me in the right direction. His face lit up when he saw me with the kind of expression that he only shows when he's elated. He asked me if I could sit with him. I told him I couldn't since he'd be sitting with his class and his eighth grade buddy, Jack (who I got to meet today, finally).

I took a seat in the last row in the back next to a friend of mine. Mrs. Walsh was walking by, spotted me, and stopped to put her hand on my shoulder and tell me, "Your son is the sweetest boy in the world!"

I popped. ;)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Applause, please.

On the way to school the other day, we were listening to Lee Dewyze's new album. The song Stay Here played and as soon as it was over James said, "That song was WONDERFUL!"
Then he proceeded to give it a round of applause. :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kaitlyn is a licker and a picker.

Kaitlyn really loves condiments, spreads and frosting. Whatever it is that you put ON something, she is more likely to eat that part than the main ingredient. Cake or cupcake? She eats the frosting. Bagel? She licks the cream cheese off of it. Sub? She picks out the cheese, pickles and tomato. Pizza? She licks off the Ranch dressing. You get the idea.
So Nathan bought sugar cookies from the grocery store. He got the really soft thick kind that are frosted with sprinkles. It was the type that elicited one of James' first words... "BITE!"
Kaitlyn asked for a cookie after lunch, and me, being tempted to eat the whole container of them about 5 times a day, was a bit anxious to get rid of them. I said she could have one and I practically begged James to eat one. No dice. He chose Pez.
Kaitlyn sat up to the table to eat her cookie, and... you guessed it... she started licking off the frosting. Nathan and I are constantly trying to get her to take bites of thing instead of licking off the good stuff or picking it out of a sandwich.
"Take bites, Kaitlyn." I told her. "If you lick the frosting off again, you're going to go to the naughty spot."
"Will you stop looking at me?" She asked. Then proceeded to try to "hide" from me by leaning back to obstruct my view with a chair.
