Thursday, July 31, 2008

TV or no TV?

It's always been a debate on whether or not you should let your kids watch television. I think it's fine as long as the kids are watching something GOOD, with a good message or a good educational lesson. James watched a ton, yes, probably too much, of the Baby Einstein DVDs when he was a baby. He loved them, and is still transfixed on the television whenever it is on. Now as he his older, one of the shows he watches is the Little Einsteins on Disney Channel. I love this show because each episode contains great lessons, famous classical music, fine art pieces (paintings, sculptures, etc.) and famous locations from around the world. It seems to really sink into James.
A few days ago we went to Michael's and we were looking at ready-made frames for a few things in our house. James saw the leaning tower of Pisa, and says, "MOM! Look! It's the Eiffel Tower like on the Little Einsteins!" I was so proud of him, I didn't care that he called it the wrong thing, I just was fascinated that he recognized a building on such a small piece of paper stuck inside a random photo frame at Michael's!

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