Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pink- the artist, not the color

I love Pink. I've never bought one of her albums, but I love her music. She is completely opposite of me (and I sometimes wish I could be like her instead of the way I am), but it makes me like her music even more. So, naturally, when her music comes on the XM radio in my car, I tend do sing along, quietly though, or just mouth the words.
She has just come out with a song about breaking up with her husband, talking about how she's still a rock star with her rock moves, and she doesn't need him anymore. It has a lot of the "nah-nah" stuff in it and it's a catchy melody.
Nathan was humming this song the other day and started in with the "nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah nah." James says, "Daddy, that's not how it goes, it goes like this: Nah nah nah nah nah nah, we're gonna start a fight!" Nathan asked him where he heard that, and James says, "In Mommy's van!"
I guess I have to start paying attention to the vocabulary used in songs I like. Goodbye Ani Difranco in the car! Ha.

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