Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kaitlyn's 2 year checkup

Kaitlyn had her two year checkup with our friend Sandy today at Interlachen Pediatrics. Sandy is a good friend of my mom's who has become a friend of mine too, and it's great to be able to go see her at the peds office.
Kaitlyn is measuring 35 inches in height, which is 75-90th percentile for height, and she's at around 24 pounds, which is about 10-25th percentile for weight. She's a lean, tall girl, and still only fits into 12 to 18 month bottoms. She's wearing 24 month tops, for the length of her torso. Silly girl, I wish I looked like she did in dresses though. :)
Kaitlyn is a motor mouth these days too, saying everything that comes to mind. Usually it's whatever James is saying. If he's not around, she likes to point out things like "Look, truck!". She's great at finding school busses when we're out driving, and also very good at pointing out colors now too. "Look! Red!" She gets them all right, except for things like school busses that are orange/yellow... but then it's one of the two. She says red a lot for pink.
One of the most adorable things that she does now is ask for hugs. "Huuug?" she says. Today she asked me for several, asked James for one (well acutally she tried to give him a kiss and he denied her so he settled for a hug) and got it, and also asks her animals (lovie and red bear) for hugs too. It's fun to see her transition to asking for them and giving them instead of always receiving (usually from ME- ha).

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