Thursday, March 12, 2009


One of Kaitlyn's favorite words right now is "scared" and she uses it regularly! It so cute, and pathetic, all at the same time! She uses it at the smallest things... like for instance, the other day she had something like banana or cheese stuck to the back of her spoon. She said, "Scared!" and then said, "Look! Monster!" Ha ha ha. No honey, it's just food, eat it!
Yesterday she did get scared for sure though. She was in the butler's pantry by the back door when Kona decided to announce that DADDY AND JAMES WERE HOME! I was in the bedroom and heard Kona bark then a blood-curdling scream come from Kaitlyn's little mouth. It was so sad! But funny! I've literally never heard her scream like that before. Aw, poor thing. :)

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