Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Karate! James tests for his yellow belt!

On Tuesday, James tested for his yellow belt in Karate. He is currently a white belt (the first belt) and appeared to pass the test with flying colors. If all goes well (in other words, if they don't call us to have him come retest) we will be going to his "graduation" for his yellow belt on Friday night. I hear it's a big deal, a pizza party and everything.
Sensei Adam asked Nathan after class, "Which one of you has taken Karate?" Apparently he had thought that Nathan or I have been practicing with James, but the truth is... it's all learned in his class. He seems to be absorbing it like a sponge. It's very exciting!
Here is part of his test with Sensei Adam:

And here is Kaitlyn spinning into an oblivion (watch her eyes after she falls down- hilarious!):

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