Thursday, July 3, 2008

Crazy Times Yield a Chubby Dog

We're going to the beach in the morning, after Trippi comes here with Tobyn. We're going to drive together. I'm so excited to spend the weekend with my friend!
We had a crazy afternoon. Kona was supposed to go to Uptown Dog (doggie hotel) today, but they called us to tell us that he's due for his shots. They can't take him until he's had his shots... so... we scampered and the girl at Uptown Dog found an appointment at Winter Park Vet Hospital over on Lee Rd. Meanwhile, Nathan is out golfing with Kevin and Rich, and here I am with two kids and expected to miraculously get my 97 lb. dog to the vet. Enter Mandy... God bless her. She watched Kaitlyn and James for me so I could take the dog by myself for his appointment at 4:30. Mandy even had friends over, so it was really sweet of her to watch the kids so closely by the pool when all the other kids were swimming. Goodness. Kaitlyn has no fear either, she'll go straight in (thank goodness this hasn't ever happened).
The kids' swim lessons are going well, and the kids are getting better every time. It's amazing to see your 15 mo. old baby floating in the water and being okay with it. She cries, but she does it. It's amazing. James is doing well too, and his sense of humor really makes Alisha laugh.
So yes, we found out that we're over feeding Kona. He is 97 lbs. HOLY COW! He should be eating 1.5 C of food each meal instead of 2, making that 3 C a day instead of 4 C. No wonder he was starting to leave some kibble in his bowl! Tubby McTubberson!

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