Thursday, July 3, 2008

Time to Fold the Sheets!

Ever since we moved here, James had taken a liking to running under the sheets as Nathan and I both fold them up. All we do is fold it lengthwise, and pop it over his head when he runs under. Boy does he laugh and scream! It's adorable, and NOW we have TWO that like to run under the sheets. Kaitlyn likes it so much that when she was in her high chair yesterday watching James get to run under the folding sheet, she was laughing too. Just the anticipation was making her giggle! :)
There really isn't anything quite like seeing your two kids interacting, laughing and having fun. Of course there are times when they scream at each other for the most horrible crime of taking a toy away from the other, but usually things are pretty calm between them. Kaitlyn loves to play with James, and she laughs so hard when he tickles her or wrestles with her. Of course it's not too rough, but she's a tough girl! They play every night after dinner together by the ottoman. We have an over-sized ottoman instead of a coffee table (it's sooo ugly, but whatever), and the kids just run around, and around, and around again, and LAUGH at each other. It's almost part of the routine these days. It's like unleashing crazy dogs after they've been fed to watch them run free and play. So funny!
They also love to "race" up the stairs. It's obviously not much of a race, but Kaitlyn insists now on climbing them by herself. She practically throws herself out of my arms if I try to carry her up the stairs. She is also starting to throw tantrums a bit. Nothing too wild yet, but she's very cranky if she doesn't get her way. Hmmm, I must be getting what I deserve. Ha.

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