Tuesday, December 22, 2009


We are sad to have lost Speedy this week. Speedy was one of my brother's cats that he adopted when living in Boston 12 years ago. Speedy and his brother Juno were adopted and taken in by the most loving human caretaker ever, Rich. He loves these cats with all of his heart, and it was really hard to watch him lose Speedy to liver cancer.
Pets are really hard to lose, I lost a cat several years ago when he wasn't yet one year old. It's hard to see them deteriorate and be in pain, they're just not having any fun anymore. They really become part of the family, and they always remain a part of the family even though they pass on.
As most things, the pain of losing a pet lessens with time, and you start to focus on the fun you had with them instead of the last few weeks/days of their lives. Laughter is the best medicine for things like this, it helps ease the pain of the loss. With that, I give you this story:

I was telling the kids the other day about Rich's cat Speedy passing away. I told them that Speedy got very sick and died. James replied, so innocently, "Upon the cross?"

We'll miss you Speedy!

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