Monday, July 21, 2008

Go, Diego, GO!

James keeps pestering me to play with him as I sit here and dink around with restyling my blog. He has a tool set from Gr. and Gr. Wilcke that has a pretend bird house that you can put together, take apart, put together, etc. At this time we are demolishing it. He just brought the saw to me, and two pieces of wood that are stuck together by velcro, and said, "Mom, cut this! In spansish we say, 'pila'!" Now you tell me... (after my education of two years of Spanish in high school and one year in college,) is that right? !?!

1 comment:

Meredith Wilcke said...

Hey honey! I love the new look on your's very nice. I was surprised to see the new look and missed the old, but now that I'm used to it, I like it a lot. And thanks for the pictures...and the video! So cute! You have the most darling children! xoxo MOM