Monday, July 21, 2008

Picky, Picky.

James hasn't always been the best eater. He ate like a champ when everything was pureed and smooth, but when things started being in chunks and had texture to them, things went downhill. He wouldn't eat things, and still wont, if it LOOKS weird. Pureed peas? No problem.... Real peas? No way. Pureed corn? No problem.... Real corn? No way. He has finally started eating corn and he's 3!! I'd even try to sneak a pea or corn into soup, and he'd find it in the pasta shell and pick it out. Sneaky, sneaky.
One distinct memory I have of James eating was once when we were having pizza for dinner. He wouldn't eat it. I don't remember who we were eating with (and if it's you reading this, let me know), but they pointed out that it was quite screwy that we were withholding fruit for bites of pizza. "If you have one bite of pizza, you can have more fruit." That type of thing. Nathan and I just laughed and looked at each other and agreed that maybe sometimes our kids would be strange. Ha.
A few nights ago we were having Taverns and once again, James wouldn't even try it. Well we were also having broccoli... his favorite green vegetable. "Try a bite of sandwich and then you can have more broccoli..." we'd say. Very strange!

1 comment:

Trippi said...

Yeah that's weird! ha ha!!!