Monday, December 8, 2008

Be cautious of open drawers.

A few nights ago I was sleeping upstairs in the guest room since James was still sick. I heard Nathan call out to me, "Mommy! Help?" So I sprang out of bed and went in James room to see a pile right by his face. He must have done it in his sleep. Poor kid. He didn't even have time to react to the fact that he threw up before Nathan was in there helping him out of bed.
I took the sheets downstairs and did my cleaning... it's amazing how rock hard a stomach becomes after being a Mom dealing with throw up. I remember when James constantly spit up and threw up several times as an infant thinking, "It's really no big deal... it's just milk." It's a little more difficult now with the chunks in it, but some how I manage to think the same thing... "It's really no big deal... it's just pizza a ranch dressing, with grapes." SICK.
I was wearing a long sleeved t-shirt to bed and the sleeves got wet, so I went into my bedroom to change my shirt. I noticed that my top drawer was slightly ajar, so I closed it, opened my bottom drawer, got out a new shirt and proceeded to go back upstairs to bed. We got James all tucked back into bed with clean sheets and Mickey since Monkey was now having a "bath" in the clothes washer.
I woke up about 30 minutes later (?) with Nathan at my bedside trying to tell me something. He says, "Did you close a drawer in your dresser?"
"HUH?" I asked.
"Saki was in your drawer in your dresser stuck inside. Now THAT is funny." He says.
Oops. I guess I should watch out for cats nestled in my underwear before I close my drawer in my dresser. LOL. Silly cat.

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