Monday, December 8, 2008

Sentimental Monday... long blog.

Today was an interesting day for me. I'm not sure why, but it was very sentimental.
This morning Kaitlyn and I had some quality time while we were waiting for James to wake up (at 9:30!). I got to sit alone with her while she ate breakfast, which doesn't happen much.
We had a pretty slow morning since James still wasn't feeling up to par. I knew we would be staying home, but when he told me that his ears still hurt, well, I called the pediatrician's office to schedule a re-check. It's been 5 days on Z-pack for him and no such luck with the ears healing. His cough is gone, however. Turns out that when he was re-examined (not by the same doctor, but by the nurse practitioner), she told me that he must have prescribed the Z-pack to get rid of the cough/chest congestion because it was worse than the ears. She said that when a doctor is faced with two choices for an antibiotic, they usually go for the one that will treat the worse symptom with more effectiveness. Whatever, I don't care, just make my child happy again. So she prescribed him Amoxicillin (however it's spelled), and we were on our way. That's the same drug they gave Kaitlyn last week, and it has worked wonders on her... so we should be good. I'm just so glad he told me that his ears hurt and we went back to the doctor!
Before all of this doctor stuff, however, Kaitlyn must have had a bad dream that startled her awake from her nap. I hopped in the shower quick to see if she'd calm back down and fall asleep, but no, she was awake. So I went upstairs after my shower and walked into her room. It was so nice and dark in there. I picked her up, brought her over to her chest of drawers to pick out an outfit, went to lay her down on her changing table and then paused. I put the shirt down, took my baby over to her rocking chair and just sat and cuddled her for 15 minutes. When we sat down, I told her, "Lie your head down on Mommy and let's have a cuddle..." she did, and we just rocked. It was bliss. I never ever want to forget how it feels to rock my baby, she's growing so fast. Like I said... sentimental.
After James woke up from his nap it was time to head out to the doctor's office. I got a snack ready for the kids consisting of yogurt-covered raisins and a few "nem-nems" as Kaitlyn calls them (my kids literally get up on a chair to try to get to the M&M jar on a daily basis), but we were late as usual. Sigh.
We had the appointment, as mentioned above, and then headed back to the van. James absolutely had a fit that I didn't let him get into the van on "his side" where his seat is. ABSOLUTE FIT. I mean screaming, kicking, sinking in his car seat, taking shoes off, throwing them on the floor kind of fit. I ignored him. It was the best thing to do. He kept it up, but I was watching closely to see if he unbuckled himself... he didn't, so we kept driving. We were about 2/3 of the way to Walgreens when he finally calmed down. I sidetracked him by talking about Christmas decorations and baby Jesus, and why we celebrate Christmas, and decorate, and I just kept rambling until his mind got on to something else. By the time we were at Walgreens, he was fine... weird, just weird. James doesn't do that often.
We drove around the parking lot at Walgreens and there were literally no parking spots. That is a very rare occasion... when they don't have parking at Walgreens! So I had an idea, and it proved to go over extremely well with the kids... ice cream! I dropped off the scrip and we headed across the street to Carvel (hindsight- never going there again). When we parked the car and I turned off the engine, James looks at me and says, "I need to put my shoes on again."
I asked him why his shoes were off and he said, "Well I took them off because I was crying." He had the cutest most embarrassed but bashful look on his face. It was so cute. We had a talk about how not to throw our shoes if we're mad, and all was good. On to Carvel.
After finally deciding on vanilla ice cream with mini-"nem-nem's", we finally to got eat our ice cream. I wolfed mine down in about a minute flat and the kids enjoyed theirs thoroughly. James couldn't quite lick the right way to get a lot of ice cream on his tongue so it took a WHILE for him to eat his. At one point he saw more mini-M&Ms and said something hilarious like, "Come here my sweeties!" Awesome, hilarious. Of course neither child nearly finished their ice cream and I should have gotten one for them to share, but whatever, it was fun. :)
We finally got home and had dinner as usual. The kids are so much fun to watch at the dinner table together. Parroting each other is a nightly routine, usually consisting of Kaitlyn copying James. Tonight though, James was asking for more to "wink". That's Kaitlyn's word for drink.
Nathan took the kids up for baths tonight while I finished up the dishes. For about 15 minutes I heard the best sounds ever... the funny laughs and giggles of my kids playing and wrestling with their Daddy. It a very, very sentimental day.

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