Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 6, 2008

Nathan got home last night! What a relief, and it was great to see him. I think he was glad to be home too. James sure lit up when he walked in the door! Harrison had sent a present too! A coloring/activity book about IOWA! Cool! Thanks Harrison!
The kids also went back to the doctor yesterday for re-checks. Once again, Kaitlyn's rapid Strep test was negative. The doctor thought she heard a little something funky in her right lung though, so we just put her on an antibiotic to be safe. She's MUCH better today, not quite back to herself but definitely better. She's making up for lost weight, she's putting down the food today! She's almost eaten a entire (small) can of green beans. Goodness.
James is back to normal today... thank the Lord. The doctor yesterday totally cracked me up. She looked into James' throat and said, "Dude... dude... DUDE.. that's a red throat!" The fact that my kid's pediatrician was saying "dude" just makes me laugh. She's got teenagers, so they probably have her versed with all the lingo of a teenage Floridian.
We decided that James has a penicillin resistant strain of strep. We had to get him a new antibiotic... for about the cost of half a cow. !!! Geez.
I've had an amazing day. I did a photo shoot this morning for designer Sharon Gilkey. We had a blast, experimenting with different settings/locations, and also different hats. A hat is Sharon's trademark. She looks great in them too. We got some fab shots!
Back to feeding the girl that won't get full. 1/2 PB and J, 1/2 grapefruit, a whole small can of green beans, and now I think I'll got get her some cheese. Good thing Nathan just went to the grocery store. :)
One more funny: the other day after James had watched some TV, he stated that, "I'm too sleepy to think anymore!"

Spiders and Monsters, OH MY!

One way we can get James to eat is to pretend that his hands are spiders. He dances them around the table and says, "SPIDERS! SPIDERS MOM!" Then I have to say, "Well let's see if this bite of ____ will make them stop!" He amazingly LOVES this game and falls for it every time. It's so funny.
The other game is when we pretend that he has turned into a monster, and a bite of whatever will turn him back in to MY JAMES. Wouldn't you know? It works! ;)
We used to have the luxury of getting him to eat his green vegetables by playing the game where everyone takes a bite together. Mommy has broccoli, Daddy has broccoli, James has broccoli, 1...2...3... go! He won't do that one anymore, so now I'm wondering how long the spiders and monster game will last. We're going on two months now, I'm afraid it's gonna be gone soon! NOOOOOO! :)
He actually LIKES green vegetables though, to my amazement.