I love my son. Five years ago, when he was born, I became a mother. I never knew I could love a human being so much, and to now have two, beautiful, healthy children, I feel spoiled by God. Thank you Lord, for this blessing of being a mother.
James has had a wonderful birthday today. We started out the day with pancakes with M&Ms, a new tradition we started a few years ago. We went to swimming lessons with Mrs. Holly, and then James got to watch Nathan play Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii (his favorite thing ever). We went to see Toy Story 3 this afternoon, which scared the living daylights out of both children. It scared Kaitlyn so much I literally had to take her out of the theater twice. Poor thing. Even though James was horrified during the movie, afterward he claimed that it was GREAT!
Then we headed over to James' favorite restaurant, Steak and Shake. He had a hot dog and fries, but no shake. That was tough. We had told him that since I had made dessert here at home, that we had to skip the shakes.
After we got home, he opened his presents. He was totally exited about all of this new stuff: a Storm Trooper helmet, a soccer ball, a helmet for riding his bike, monster trucks, a new Toy Story game called Kerplunk, a Green Eggs and Ham puzzle, and new diving rings jut like Mrs. Holly has at her pool. He was most excited about the Strom Trooper Helmet and the diving rings. "WOW! Thanks!" He said about the rings. Had we known, we could have just spent $2.99 at Publix and called it a day. :)
James loves Oreos. He tries to find a way to have them for dessert at least a few times a week, although we never really give in. Maybe sometimes. ;) So, I made him an Oreo Ice Cream pie for dessert. It's a layer of Oreo cookie crust, then the Oreo ice cream, and then I topped it with a chocolate candy shell layer and then Cool Whip. When he was eating it, he said, "I like it, but I will eat it when I'm older." In other words, "I don't like it, but I like the ice cream." :( Oh well... the cake we plan on having on Saturday for his party will be good ol' chocolate. I'm going to attempt to make a fondant cake with Darth Vader on it... somehow.
The highlight of the day for me was when James blew out his candles (see video at end). I told him to make a wish. After he blew them out he said, "I wished that I could be with you guys FOREVER."
I love you James, Happy Birthday my sweet 5 year old!
James has had a wonderful birthday today. We started out the day with pancakes with M&Ms, a new tradition we started a few years ago. We went to swimming lessons with Mrs. Holly, and then James got to watch Nathan play Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii (his favorite thing ever). We went to see Toy Story 3 this afternoon, which scared the living daylights out of both children. It scared Kaitlyn so much I literally had to take her out of the theater twice. Poor thing. Even though James was horrified during the movie, afterward he claimed that it was GREAT!
Then we headed over to James' favorite restaurant, Steak and Shake. He had a hot dog and fries, but no shake. That was tough. We had told him that since I had made dessert here at home, that we had to skip the shakes.
After we got home, he opened his presents. He was totally exited about all of this new stuff: a Storm Trooper helmet, a soccer ball, a helmet for riding his bike, monster trucks, a new Toy Story game called Kerplunk, a Green Eggs and Ham puzzle, and new diving rings jut like Mrs. Holly has at her pool. He was most excited about the Strom Trooper Helmet and the diving rings. "WOW! Thanks!" He said about the rings. Had we known, we could have just spent $2.99 at Publix and called it a day. :)
James loves Oreos. He tries to find a way to have them for dessert at least a few times a week, although we never really give in. Maybe sometimes. ;) So, I made him an Oreo Ice Cream pie for dessert. It's a layer of Oreo cookie crust, then the Oreo ice cream, and then I topped it with a chocolate candy shell layer and then Cool Whip. When he was eating it, he said, "I like it, but I will eat it when I'm older." In other words, "I don't like it, but I like the ice cream." :( Oh well... the cake we plan on having on Saturday for his party will be good ol' chocolate. I'm going to attempt to make a fondant cake with Darth Vader on it... somehow.
The highlight of the day for me was when James blew out his candles (see video at end). I told him to make a wish. After he blew them out he said, "I wished that I could be with you guys FOREVER."
I love you James, Happy Birthday my sweet 5 year old!
Batman James showing off his flashlight in his Batman shades.