Tonight we were at a Halloween party that was hosted by a friend of mine on the next street over. Our kids were dressed in their Halloween costumes and playing in the backyard. James was playing on the slide that was just a hair longer than him, and Kaitlyn was about ten feet away playing by Daddy. She turned around and said, "Faaang? Aaaah you?" Like, where the heck did you go brother? :)
She is so cute when she talks to him or about him. This morning we were up before him and when we came out of her room she walked over to his door and looked at me and said, "Faaang, door". She wanted to open his door and go in to see him. I had to tell her no, that he was still sleeping, but we'd see him in a little while. She loves her brother! She even told him "love you!" tonight at bed time. Awwwww.
She also repeats everything he does or says, which is probably the case with most younger siblings. I just think it's hilarious.
Also making an appearance lately with her is the tantrum on the floor phase. If she's mad and wants something (says, "want!" by the way and points) and doesn't get it, she goes into the wet noodle stage and lays limp on the floor. Then she'll start crying and turn onto her tummy and put her face down on the floor. I have totally been ignoring the tantrum, and it seems to be a bit annoying to her that I'm not paying attention to her when she does this. I'm hoping by doing this it'll put a stop to this phase pretty quickly- at least that's what I'm HOPING. :)