Kaitlyn was so sick this morning, thankfully I hadn't planned on taking her with us. She came down with the 24 hour bug that James had earlier this week. Ick. That, of course, made me hesitant about leaving her for the weekend, but was confident that she'd get better soon and she and Daddy would have a great weekend together.
James and I had a blast taking the tram and walking through the airport in Orlando, even picked up some chocolate milk for him at Nathan's hot dog place. I gave James the choice of ice cream versus chocolate milk. He's insane. ;)
The flight was direct and uneventful, but pretty long for a 4 year old. He did really well, he watched shows the whole time. He did get bored though, sometimes he wanted to switch out the show mid way through, which is not really like him.
We arrived into Minneapolis on time expecting my parents to pick us up in their rental car. Dad had flown in three hours ahead of us, and then Mom flew in a few hours ahead of us. By the time they had gotten from the airport to the hotel in downtown Minneapolis, they didn't want to come and get us. James and I decided to take the Light Rail, it seemed pretty easy, a direct stop at the airport, and then a few blocks to our hotel once we got to the stop we needed downtown.
James, again, was thrilled with the tram ride that we took from the baggage claim area to the Light Rail station, and was even more excited when we got to do it all over again since I had forgotten his car seat at the bag claim. :(
The Light Rail was easy, as I thought, and James cracked up the people riding. We were talking with a college aged guy and girl, and they just adored James. They laughed WITH him the whole ride. The guy, at one point, told James he had excellent taste in shoes... they were wearing the same shoes!
We got to the hotel safe and sound, and when James walked into the room he said, "This is incredible!" Ha ha ha.
We feasted on a very belated dinner, of which James didn't eat much. I did. :)
We sat and "chatted" as much as you can with an over tired 4 year old, and then it was bed time.
I snagged a photo of James while we were at the hotel restaurant because that was the hotel that we were staying in when Nathan and I had told them that we were pregnant with James. Look how tired this boy is... poor thing!