Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Making progress!

Kaitlyn is definitely making progress in the potty training department!
Today she used the potty all day long, and only had a wet diaper after we had been at the Y for an hour.
I'm SO proud! :)

How about a weekend in Iowa?

Kaitlyn sure enjoyed playing at the Neipert's house, and she really loved the DIRT. She's obviously not my daughter. Ha.

Kaitlyn really also loved their swing.... Get a load of the videos at the end.

Mattie and the cherry tree!

Bennett was lying on the cement playing completely and contently by himself until I butted in with my camera. This is him, getting up to walk away from me. :)

Bennett's 3rd birthday party!

Look at those extremely jealous onlookers. :)

Kaitlyn took a break from present opening to practice "bags" for when she's in college.

Bennett opens a basketball hoop from Grandma and Grandpa Wilcke.

Kaitlyn and James sacked out after the long day in Des Moines.

Drool! :)