Kaitlyn is talking non-stop now. She's got a great memory too. Today she saw Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer on the counter top (put there because it's "nose is dimming" according to James or it's batteries are low) and said, "Rudolf!". She also loves her new light-up turtle that I got for her for Christmas. It's a night light basically, but it projects stars all over the ceiling in her dark room. She loves to say, "LIGHT!" or "green" or "blue" when she wants a certain color to shine.
She's also pretty good at knowing the names of the shows that the kids watch sometimes. Today there was a commercial on the TV when I first turned it on. She said, "BABBA GABBA!" for "Yo Gabba Gabba" on of the kids' most favorite shows (absolutely OBNOXIOUS!).
Kaitlyn went through a tantrum phase about 3 months ago (if I'm remembering correctly) and it went away. I wasn't paying a single bit of attention to her while she laid face-down on the ground and screamed for what she wanted. This time, it's more of an actual two-year-old tantrum where she'll scream, cry, walk away, look at me, and then take a toy and either a. throw it or b. slam it on the ground. I've been taught on SuperNanny (yes, I love that show) to just totally ignore her when she does this, don't even look at her, and when she doesn't get ANY attention (not even negative attention), the behavior will go away. We'll see.
The thing that set her off today was when I took away a Curious George book when we were getting ready to go downstairs. Such a tragedy to leave the book upstairs!!! She carried on for 5 minutes! Silly girl.