So I'm leaving tomorrow for my first real business trip... ever... and first real trip alone, away from both kids and my husband, ever. Professional Photographers of America is holding a conference in Phoenix, AZ this year, and I'M GOING! I am thoroughly excited, especially since Ana is meeting me there and I get so see some Casey relatives.
I can't wait to submerse myself in photography and business stuff for a week and not have to think about when the kids need to have their naps, baths or meals. For the first time in a while I'll be able to put myself first, not the kids, not my husband , ME. It'll be a reality check for me, to which I already know how I'll react... I'll miss my family terribly, and get a glimpse of what my life might have been like had we waited to have kids. In no way do I expect to leave tomorrow without tears in my eyes and a tugging feeling in my heart... but at least the kids will still be sleeping when I leave so they won't have to see Mommy go. Ugh, I'm already getting choked up.
I do plan to blog about my days at the conference while I'm gone. I got a fancy new laptop from my parents as a Christmas gift, so this baby is going with me everywhere. How fun. If you aren't interested in reading about my conference stories, tune in after January 14th. :)