James helped me roll the trash bin to the curb this morning, and when we got to the curb he saw a sprinkler across the street. He said, "Mom! Sprinklers! Hi Sprinklers! Oh it's just one sprinkler... hi sprinkler!" :) He has always done this, said hi to inanimate objects as if they have feelings or see him standing there. So funny!
Kaitlyn is dirtying her diaper as I type, for the second time this morning. I had a dream last night that I put her on the potty and she pee-peed right away. Ha, if that was true, she'd probably be pooping in the potty before James. Ha ha ha.
Today is Friday and Nathan is off of work today instead of Wednesday this week. I was supposed to get him up at 7:20 for me to get out of the house and go work out. Alas, I've come up with every excuse in the book to stay home and be lazy instead. Ha.
I'm excited to be shooting tonight, for a Mom in my MOMS group. I get to see friends out in Clermont tomorrow and take photos of their kids, so fun! I can't wait to see them, as we don't get time to get together much. I'll finally be able to give their kids some attention, instead of having to focus on my own kids since I'm not bringing them.
The kids are off playing with toys and I just heard James say, "I broke it! Fiddle-dee-dee! Oh well." Ha ha ha.