We headed down to Lakeland this afternoon for dinner at the McGlinn's house. The kids love going there, they get to see Madey and Tobyn, and we love it because there are always adult beverages and fun people. ;) Trippi was having her spring soiree, beer, burgers, hot dogs, etc.
Nathan and I thought that if we let the kids run around and play until 8 PM or so, they would conk out in the car on the way home... it's an hour and 20 minute drive. No such luck. James was asking where our speeding ticket was, and I tried, a few times, to explain to him that speeding tickets were BAD. He thought that the tolls were speeding tickets, like they were giving us permission to go fast. ? Kids....
Of course we TRIED to shush them and get them to go to sleep about half way through the drive, but that didn't work either. "Dad? (pause) Dad? (pause) Dad? (pause) Dad? (pause) Dad?" Kaitlyn was saying. All Nathan would do was "SHHH!" them back to quiet. I couldn't help but giggle because I knew that it wasn't going to work and the kids would be up the whole time. About five minutes before we got home, things started to get quiet in the back seat. Nathan said to me, "We could just keep driving around the block and let them go to sleep."
I said, "No! I don't want them to go to sleep, it's better if we just get them home so they can go to bed."
"Well James is almost out." He replied.
We pulled into the garage, and Kaitlyn announced, "Were HOME!"
And without any hesitation, James said, "Can we talk now?" ;)
So by 10 PM the kids were in bed. That was after a glass of milk and graham crackers, of course. They were just too busy to eat their dinner at Trippi's house.
P.S.- Trippi, those sandwiches are in your fridge. Ha.