Happy Father's Day! I wish I could be with my dad today, but he's in Utah. Rich is out there though, and they get to play at an amazing golf course, so I'm sure dad will have a great Father's Day. He mentioned too that they were going to eat lamb vindaloo, mmmmmm, even better.
Nathan woke up to blueberry pancakes this morning. James, Kaitlyn and I served them to him in bed with a nice big glass of juice. I tried to find a babysitter for this evening, but since all are wanting to spend the evening with their own fathers, we'll have to spend it all together at home. Fine by me, I love it.
We're outside now, kids are playing with the water table. Just a minute ago, James was watering Kaitlyn with his toy watering can. Surprisingly, she didn't object, just laughed and went along with the joke. :) Of course, when I suggested that James do it to himself, he pretended not to hear me. Ha.
Now it's later... I just posted the pictures and movies. We had a fun time at dinner tonight. Kaitlyn LOVES baked beans, the ones with the maple syrup in them. Can you tell? That's what's all over her "silly" face! Nathan has already named her, for tomorrow, "the incredible tooting baby". :)
During lunch yesterday, James and I were talking about his birthday coming up. I told him that instead of holding up two fingers now, he'd have to hold up three. We went to Publix today to get some groceries, and James made me giggle. He decided to tell the man at the deli
James and Nathan will be going to Tampa on Wednesday to see the Cubs play. I'm so jealous! We were going to go, just the two of us, but couldn't find a babysitter to watch both kids overnight, so he decided that he'd take James. They'll have so much fun... I can't wait to hear the stories of the trip there, the game and the trip back. I wonder if James will make it through the whole game... and I wonder how much money Daddy will have to spend keeping James entertained and fed the whole time. :) Good luck, sweetie.