I'm sitting here at almost 11 p.m. waiting for Nathan and James to get home. They have landed and hopefully by now are driving home. !!! I'm so excited to see them.
Kaitlyn and I have had fun at home by ourselves. She even got some great quality time alone with Grandma Kathy, and when you're the fifth grandchild, that can be difficult to come by. :) She is totally in love with her Grandma Kathy, and calls her "Mamma", like Nanna. If we are around Grandma, Kaitlyn wants her to hold her. When we leave she cries and screams, WORSE then when I leave. Ha. Grandma Kathy is Kaitlyn's most favorite buddy right now. So cute.
Grandma Kathy watched Kaitlyn for me a few days ago so I could do a few things. When I came back to pick her up, it was time for a nap. Grandma put her in the van, got her all buckled up and told me, "She's not going to make it home without falling asleep!" I could hardly get out of Mom's driveway before Kaitlyn's eyes were starting to shut. We only live .7 miles from my parents, so I thought a little conversation would keep her awake long enough to get home. The look on Kaitlyn's face was hysterical. She was all slit-eyed and looked like she had just completed a marathon she was so tired.
I started asking her questions... "Did you have fun at Grandma's Kaitlyn?"
She answered in one long quiet monotone word, "Yeaaaaaah."
"Did you ride on the toy pony?"
"Do you want to go home and take a nap?"
SO FUNNY! She did make it home, barely, and after I put her in her crib I didn't hear a peep out of her until she woke up.
We went to the mall the other day, Grandma, Kaitlyn and I. Mom took Kaitlyn to the Build a Bear store to waste some time while I dropped some cash at the Children's Place for some warmer clothes for the kids. They left the store with a stroller that Kaitlyn wouldn't leave without, so Grandma "had to" buy it (so she says). Kaitlyn pushed that stroller all the way from the bear store to the exit of the mall and then threw an absolute fit when we took it away from her. Sigh. Here come more tantrums.
It's so cute though, the way she walks around with her stroller, and puts babies in to it. She's a little mommy! :)
Kaitlyn has learned the word "stuck" and uses it a lot, even sometimes when it's not really true. She likes to try to climb onto my bed which is pretty tall. Our bed frame has a ledge on it about halfway up that she likes to put her knees on and then try to grab the quilt to pull herself up. Usually this doesn't work and she gets stuck about half way and then can't quite figure out how to put her feet back down on the ground. So she tells me "stuck!" It's not quite perfect, of course, and sounds more like "duck" but she really pronounces the k sound at the end. It's so funny!
Today when I was in the shower I heard her saying "stuck". I hurried up to finish, got upstairs and found her, yes, STUCK in the rails of the crib. Somehow she had gotten her knee through the rails and then squatted down. She was NOT happy. I'm just happy that she is finally able to start telling me what's wrong! :)
One last thing about Kaitlyn before I call it a night... she is really into frowning when someone talks to her that she doesn't know (or thinks she doesn't know). Her chin drops, her eyebrows cinch together and her lower lip sticks out and she gets a pout on her face that is just precious. My mom says it looks just like Molly's frown when she was little. She frowns a lot at men (good girl), and frowns quickly. I think that's the part that makes me laugh the most, is her reaction time from when someone talks to her to sending back the frown in NO TIME. Ha ha.