Monday, July 20, 2009


Lately, James has been obsessed with the movie Cars. This fascination comes and goes, but now it's really in full swing. He loves watching the movie, and also plays with his new "Poingo" toy that is basically a pen looking thing that reads books for him. He has 4 books that go with the Poingo, but has yet to read any of them but Cars.
There is a part of the book where Lightning McQueen is telling Doc that he's "not a bulldozer" he's a race car. In the movie, Doc replies with, "Whoa, ho!" and it's not in the book... so James adds it. It's too funny. EVERY TIME. Ha.
The other obsession besides the story in general and quoting miscellaneous parts, is his adaptation of this to real life. Especially when someone knocks at our front door. "Customers!" he yells. Just like Sally says it, too. It's just so funny.
Kaitlyn pulled one over on us and decided to finally cut the missing tooth that has been a gap in her beautiful smile. It's the one on her left side, right next to the top front tooth. This is usually one of the first 8 teeth to come in when kids are infants, but for some reason, it has just now decided to "sprout". So strange. The Casey side of my family (especially Delos, my grandfather) is known for missing these two adult teeth. There are some descendants of Delos' in our family that are missing them, and now we're wondering if Kaitlyn is missing her left adult tooth. Hmmm... time will tell. Looks like she's gonna need an x-ray to figure this one out.
Kaitlyn had her first haircut the other day. I took her and James to Fantastic Sams for this brand new experience of Kaitlyn's. She was scared, so I sad in the seat with her and put her on my lap. I couldn't take a picture because I was sitting with her. :( The positive thing about it though, is that it really wasn't a big deal at all. I told the lady that was cutting her hair only to take off the very ends to even it all out. She did just that... and only took off a minuscule amount of hair in the back. I'm glad I had a coupon for a kids' cut for $6.95. I could have even done that. I am happy, however, that it was a pleasant experience for Kaitlyn and that the lady didn't whack off her beautiful curls. :)
This blog is getting long because I've been a slacker... but I wanted to make note that one of my best friends is going to give birth tomorrow to her second son. Cindy, has a scheduled C-section in the morning. We are very anxious to meet baby Zachary Cole, and pray to God above that everything goes well for the Farrar family tomorrow. This is their last baby since Cindy has a horrible (and I mean horrible) time with pregnancies. I am thankful to God that she didn't have the complications this time that she had with Field, and that she has carried this sweet boy to term. Now... who is he gonna look like? :)
Sheesh, and one more thing... today is Mom's birthday, and she's way over in Germany. :( We miss you mama!