James has been sick this week. He's had a bad cough, sore throat (that seemed to not last long) and a really high fever! My poor baby. It's so awful to look into your son's eyes and see pure exhaustion. He even fell asleep on the couch last night after dinner, something he never does. He seems to have turned the corner today though, with a better attitude and more energy to spend playing with Kaitlyn. The sparkle is coming back into those beautiful eyes of his! Luckily he didn't miss much school this week as they had a school break yesterday and today.
Kaitlyn pooped and peed on the potty last night, so James and I were sitting in the bathroom with her tonight to try to get a repeat performance. He started saying, "Go Kaitlyn! Go!" He then looked at me, raised his eyebrows and said with a nod of his head, "I'm cheering for her, you know!" I laughed out loud!
Kaitlyn is still being difficult at bed time. Last night when putting her to bed I told her that if she got out of bed, I was going to take Lovie away. Sure enough, she did get out of bed, and I caught her going into the bathroom. I put her in bed and took Lovie from her, and told her, "I'm going to turn off your nightlight now too. You need to stay in bed." She cried for a few minutes, but then she was quiet. Finally!
I went upstairs to check on her around 10:30 and found her asleep, but not in bed. She was on the floor just inside her room sound asleep!
The night just got more strange too... at 3:15 in the morning, I heard noise coming from James' monitor. I had to go upstairs to investigate, thinking that since James had fallen asleep on the couch pretty early, he thought that 3:15 was a good time to wake up for the day.
I was slightly baffled to find that the hallway light was on, and James door was open. His room light, however, was still off (he usually turns it on when he's up and playing in his room). I rounded the corner and walked into James' room ready to tell him to get back to bed. Instead, however, I found Kaitlyn in James' room! She was helping herself to James' puzzles at 3:15 in the morning! James was still asleep in his bed, running a fever and quiet as can be.
REALLY Kaitlyn?!? I told her to go get back in bed. After she crawled in, I told her, "Kaitlyn, it's still sleepy time, it's the middle of the night!"
"Ok Mom, I go night night!"
Thankfully that was all of the commotion for the rest of the night. :)