Daddy arrived in Utah last night! We were so very happy to see him. It's too bad that he got back to the house too late for the kids to see him, but as Nathan reports, when he walked into James' room this morning, all James could say is, "WOW"! :)
Our trip out here has been wonderful. Mom has been such a good help for me, spoiling me a bit so I can kinda "slack off" just a bit. Ha. I've had a nap every day since we got here, a treat that doesn't come very often at home.
The kids have sure been great for what a two hour time change can throw at them. I really can't complain, they are such troopers. I wonder how the reverse trip will go!
We have kept very busy here, doing things around Promontory that are great for kids. We have been to the pool, the Kinikinik (SP?) cabin where they have child care to play on the playground, and we even got to go to the horse stables to pet three huge beautiful horses! It was amazing. Such amazing creatures! I haven't seen a horse that close up in years.
Kaitlyn's vocabulary is growing every day. The ones that I find most amusing are "see!" which has replaced the "itsit?" that she was throwing around a few weeks ago. The other is "there" or in her terms, "dare". I found out that she got this from me, since every time I'm finished changing her diaper or putting a barette in her hair, I say, "There!". So now she does it. It's so cute! She'll also go stand by the front door, hang on to the door handle and say, "side!" She's going to be the adventurous kid of the family, I swear.
Kaitlyn has kept us on our toes out here, since the house has a ton of stairs. She runs for them! We about have heart attacks every time.
James gave me a compliment today, and it was very sweet. I have my "bangs" (not really), pulled back with a clip in my hair that I bought at the fabulous H&M in New York. I went in after he woke up from his nap and he said, "I like your hair barette today!" Awww, shucks.
James is full of funnies. The second night we were here, as I was tucking him into bed he tells me, "Mom, I need a friend like Daddy." Oh, we're glad he's here!