We have two cats. Saki is black and white and scared of everything, and Rosco is all black and scared of nothing. James has been able to distinguish between the two cats ever since he started talking (probably even sooner). He can say Saki fine, but Rosco, not so much. He's been known as Frocko, now Srocko or Rocko. :) Once in a while I'll hear Rosco, but it's rare. If I ask him to say Rosco, he will, but otherwise it's one of the more fun versions.
Tonight we ran and ran and ran until I worked up a sweat. I put the kids in the bath tub together (one of those precious moments), and after I had Kaitlyn in her jammies, she started to run out in to the hallway. James was running around naked except for his towel hanging on his head like superman. It was hysterical. James was chasing me and I pulled one of those run-over-the-bed-to-get-around-him moves and I thought he was either going to fall over in hysterics or pee. Kaitlyn was ROLLING around in the hallway, partly because she was laughing, and partly because I was tickling her and chasing her. We had a blast.
Tomorrow is very exciting. Daddy comes home, and Grandma and Papa will be home from Irleand!