Sometimes it's the small things that really brighten your day, isn't it? This morning Kaitlyn and I were walking (well, she was in the stroller), and Nathan and James drove by on their way to school. There really isn't much better than seeing your toddler yelling, "bye!" out the window and waving at you. It's just one of those moments that you never want to forget. These days when they are small are going to go by so quickly, everyone tells me this, so I'm really learning to focus on the best parts of my day.
Kaitlyn is a bit sick again. This time it's a drippy nose and small appetite. Man, if it's not one thing with her, it's another.
James did a great job at school today with big boy pants on! No accident, but I don't think he went to the bathroom either. At least that's what he tells me. I can't believe his first year of "school" is already almost over. I have to admit- it's been a fun experience, which was all I hoped for when signing up! Thanks Methodist School!