Aunt Beth... silly Aunt Beth... just posted the story of Harrison's birth on his 4th birthday, and now I've got to do the same. Not because she did it, but because it's a more than wonderful idea, and I'm copying her. I'm typing this on December 3, 2008, Harrison's 4th birthday, but it'll post on March 15, 2009, Kaitlyn's second birthday.Kaitlyn will be two this year, two whole years!!! Already!
The day she was born started really really early in the morning. We had a planned induction with Dr.
Parmalee Thatcher at Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando, and they had us arrive at 5 AM. Seriously? Why so early? By the time I got to my room to get settled, through triage, through paperwork, etc. it was about 7 AM I think.
They put in my IV line and started me on
meds to get my labor started. Dr. Thatcher was awesome... she gave me a blessing to go ahead and get my epidural as soon as I felt the slightest pain. ROCK ON! So I did that. HOWEVER, she did break my water before I got the epidural and let me tell you, it was more painful than delivery! Yikes! When I had my water broken with James, it was nothing!
I stuck out labor pains long enough to remember how bad it hurts, then ordered my epidural. Life was so happy after that, calm, relaxed, beautiful. I think it was probably around 10 AM when I got my epidural? Maybe later, not really sure. I wasn't progressing very well "down there" so they maxed out my
pitocin level and I started to feel some pressure. There were two nurses in there, and I can't really remember the circumstances, but they were in training, and they wanted to check my progress just to see where I was since I was having that pressure. Sure enough, 100%! WOW, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would dilate that fast. When James was born, I suffered immense pain since they turned off my epidural, so I made them give me a booster before I started to push. I love anesthesia! They called Dr. Thatcher over from her office (I assume) and I pushed for about 15 to 20 minutes and out she flew! I had the nurse hold a mirror for me to watch her be born, just like I did with James. Absolutely amazing!
Kaitlyn was born at 4:41 on March 15, 2007. She weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. and measured 21 and 3/4 inches (I'd actually have to go back and look at the records to make sure the height is correct).
She is named after both of our mothers, Kate for Kathleen and Lyn for Marilyn. We decided to spell it Kaitlyn so it was more of a mainstream spelling. Her middle name, Beth, is after Nathan's sister, Beth Marie.
Kaitlyn was a joy to welcome into the world, and it was so fun having everyone there. My parents were there, Marilyn was there, and of course, James was there.
Grandma Kathy brought James to the hospital with a bunch of toys to keep him busy, he was only 21 months old! She brought James over to me while holding Kaitlyn and Mom said, "James, this is your sister Kaitlyn, can you say Kaitlyn?" He said, "KATE!" So loud, so beautiful.
We spent the next few days at Winnie Palmer Hospital recovering and getting to know each other, and we brought her home on St. Patrick's day. How lucky we are. We love you Kaitlyn Beth!