There are certain blog entries that I hesitate to put on here. The purpose of putting these memories into writing is not to embarrass the kids by any means. Keep that in mind as you read this story, and laugh, because it's one of those stories that we need to get our minds out of the gutter. ;)
This morning was pretty slow, and in fact, the kids woke up rather later than normal, well, Kaitlyn at least. I always have my alarm set for the days that James has school just in case the kids sleep in. Today was one of those days. There is a certain phenomenon that occurs when my cell phone alarm goes off... I SWEAR Kaitlyn can hear it. I don't know how, really, the volume is always down low, but she wakes up when my alarm goes off. Maybe it is interference between her CD player and my phone, I don't know, or it's ESP. Ha.
So Kaitlyn woke up when my alarm went off, but James stayed asleep for a while. It wasn't too much longer when we had to go back upstairs to wake up James so we wouldn't be late for school. I told Kaitlyn to go into James' room, quietly, and tell him good morning. So she did, but to our surprise, he was already awake, with his quilt pulled up high over his head. He was hiding. Kaitlyn, of course, always having to do what James is doing, climbed up in his bed and wanted to hide too. In the course of Kaitlyn getting up into his bed and getting under the covers, Kaitlyn found Monkey, James' sleeping friend. She continued to hold Monkey and cover herself with the quilt. So now both kids are under the quilt with Monkey. You can probably guess where this is going.... I hear James say, "Kaitlyn? Are you holding my Monkey?" and then he says, "Kaitlyn, are you looking at my Monkey?" Ha ha ha!
I giggled inside, but of course didn't make a big deal about it in front of the kids. It's just one of those stories that's just too funny to pass up sharing with everyone!