For some reason, Kaitlyn doesn't like sleeping with the sheet on top of her. Her quilt is fine, but always insists that the sheet be down closer to the foot of the bed. "I don't want that one," as she points at the sheet, "I want that one," she points at the quilt.
Nathan went up to check on her after they were sleeping last night and he tried to cover her up with the sheet and the quilt. She woke up enough to realize what he was doing and still told him NO to the sheet. Silly girl!
I went to Nashville a few weeks ago for the Professional Photographers of America convention so Nathan thought it would be fun to watch the Star Wars trilogy with James. While I was gone, they watched A New Hope. Last weekend they watched Empire Strikes Back. I found great humor in watching the two of them cuddled up on the couch with James firing off the questions one after another... "Who is that? What is he doing? Why is he doing that? Who is that? What is he doing? Why is he doing that?" Over and over and over again. So funny.
They wrapped up the trilogy this morning while I was out for a bit at mass then the Y. It's just so funny that we, Nathan and I, know that for sure, James doesn't understand ANYTHING about the three movies. He's just watching them for the sake of watching the TV. I even asked him after the movie was over, "James, did you like the movie?"
"No, I didn't." Ha ha ha.
A bit later, the kids were doing what they do best... arguing over who had more popsicle sticks to play with. I ended up taking them away from both of them, and that sent them both off of their rockers. Kicking, screaming, throwing and knocking over laundry baskets, etc... the whole bit. James ended up on the naughty step for throwing the popsicle sticks, and while he was on the step he was bawling his eyes out and shouting. I felt pretty bad for the kid until he came out with, "I'm going to cut my mommies head off!"
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I snapped back around the corner at him.
He got a huge scolding... and guess what... NO MORE STAR WARS! Geez. Of course he doesn't mean it, but it is a bit scary to think that only watching one thing like Star Wars (rated PG by the way- man their standards were a lot more liberal back then) could make him come up with ideas like that.