Kaitlyn's second word? Daddy. Figures. :)
She has also been hiding the fact that she cut a molar without anyone knowing. It just appeared a few days ago. Hmmm. Her personality is developing every day, and she's just so dang cute.
I think someone switched James. We have a stranger among us in our house this week. Wow. He really doesn't want to do anything we ask him to do. Tonight Nathan went to Big League (hair place for men where they have sports on the television), and James decided to cry, hard, and scream for about a half an hour. I rode out the storm! I kept my calm, tried to tell him to calm down and play with his toys, etc. Eventually after two time-outs he finally calmed down enough to play. GEEZ. Seriously, someone switched out my child.
I did, however, get a hysterical video of James today while we were sitting to eat lunch. I'll try to get it uploaded, but no promises. He was saying silly things, then after he ended, I would give him a goggly-eyed surprised look on my face. He was cackling!
I've had a super busy week, and with Nathan leaving for Tampa on Thursday, things will probably stay busy. I enjoy having a lot to do, it keeps me positive (at least that's what I hope... ha).