Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nice words instead.

Kaitlyn and James have been having a fun time playing together since they were apart for the weekend. Of course they are playing nice but also nagging at each other and "fighting". After Nathan had gotten home from work, James was playing like he wanted to sleep on the couch and he and Kaitlyn got into a bit of a grumble. Kaitlyn told James, "Go away!"
Daddy and I didn't like this, so Nathan went over to talk to the kids about using nice words instead. I clued Nathan in that James had told Kaitlyn to "go away" earlier today.
"James," Daddy asked him, "what are some nice words to ask Kaitlyn instead?"
"Kaitlyn, could I be alone?" he responded.
"That's a great one, James!" Daddy praised James.
"Kaitlyn, what are some nice words you could use with James?"
"Go away." She said.