Wednesday, July 21, 2010

iPhone photography

James was playing with my iPhone the other day and he was snapping photos of Kaitlyn. He told her, after a small sigh, "Kaitlyn, you are so beautiful."

Stop it leg!

James has been suffering from growing pains lately... and since he measured at 46.5 inches today at his wellness checkup, it's most likely those crying spells at night actually DO mean something. He is in the 97th percentile for his age group, which has been constant since he was born.
Last night he cried out at around 11 p.m. so I gave him a dose of Tylenol to help him sleep better. Poor kid, I remember those pains and they aren't fun.
It seems though, that the pains are starting to happen during the day too. We were sitting at the dinner table tonight when James started squirming and making ow sounds.
"What's wrong, James? Are you okay?" I asked him.
He looked down at his leg and commanded, "Stop hurting LEG!"
Nathan and I looked at each other and almost spit out our food.
"Well it's not that simple, James. You can't just tell your leg to stop hurting!" Then we all had a good laugh and Kaitlyn also told her leg to stop hurting about a dozen times.
Whew. For a minute there, I thought I maybe had given birth to Billy Madison.