I am so shocked at the progress Kaitlyn has made over the last week with potty training. She hasn't had many accidents- the only ones worth reporting were only in Pull-Ups while she was at school or at the Y. Understandable... there are SO many other things to think about while out of the house.
This week I have been slightly worried about how she's going to learn to start telling me that she has to go potty instead of me just taking her there and sitting her down. She has only told me twice, in history, that she had to go potty. When, you ask? Well, I'll just say that the seat belt sign was illuminated... BOTH times. We were taking off and landing on our flight from Des Moines last month. Really, Kaitlyn? The only time in the entire world that I CAN'T take you to the bathroom do you tell me you have to go? Silly girl!
Anyway, so back to this week.... Yesterday, as I was preoccupied with my brother Kevin being at my house, I heard the toilet flush in the bathroom and the door was shut. I asked Kevin if Nathan was in there (I had been outside) and he said no. I peeked inside the bathroom to see what was going on.
There was Kaitlyn, standing pant-less by the toilet looking at me.
"What are you doing Kaitlyn?" I asked, hoping not to see a bunch of water everywhere.
"I went pee-pee and poopie and then flushed it away!" she replied with a grin.
Seriously. She had gotten up from watching Peter Pan, gone to the bathroom, used the little potty, and then dumped it into the big potty and flushed it away. ALL by HERSELF.
Granted, I had to help with a little "clean-up" of the rear, but she did is alone! ALL ALONE! But wait, it gets better....
Later, about an hour later, she was walking by the bathroom, stood still for a second, and then changed direction and went into the bathroom and proceeded to use the potty again, without even cluing me in. I just happened to be watching!
I guess I don't need to worry anymore about this peanut... I'm amazed. Of course, today, she'll probably have an accident now that I've shared this with you all. ;)