I took Kaitlyn to the YMCA this morning so I could get some exercise. I went for Body Pump, but alas, I was a half hour late since I have an old schedule. Awesome. So I did spinning instead. I love it. I tried a new instructor (new to ME), and she was good, but didn't have that great of music. After the class I had to hurry to get Kaitlyn and get her washed up (hands and face... YMCA=nasty germs), and get home to do my ab workout before lunch.
After we got home I geared up the DVD player and started my workout on the floor in the family room. Kaitlyn watched for about two minutes, then decided to bring me her snack trap full of goldfish and start patting me on the face and saying, "Hi!" It was either that or "eye" I couldn't tell. Anyway, next thing I knew she was on the floor on her back with her feet up in the air, just like Mommy. If she could have figured out what the heck I was doing, she would've done it too. So cute and funny I was laughing while doing my ab workout!
Maybe someday Kaitlyn and I will go Spin together and workout together. Ugh, by then I'll be like 45. Ha.
Isn't she sweet?