Whew, I get to sit down now. Nathan is gone, in Tampa this time. The kids and I are doing well.
I ordered a bunch of shoes from Zappos, so the kids and I got to try them on this morning. If you knew my shoe shopping situation, you'd understand why Zappos is my best friend. I wear a narrow, and no stores seems to think people like me exist anymore. Rude. To sum up, I ordered 7 pair, and kept 2. Those two that I kept are the same brand, maybe also my new best friend. ha.
Anyway, the kids and I were playing in my closet, and James kept trying on my shoes. It was too funny. I just kept giggling to myself and thinking, "What the heck would Nathan do if he saw this." hee hee hee. We had fun. This reminds me of a picture that Mom has of Cameron at about 18 months wearing her Rangoni shoes and wearing some big clip on earrings. Love it.
Kaitlyn is now starting to show anticipation with having fun. When I say something like "I'm gonna get you!" she starts to walk fast and giggle. She's babbling a ton now, and really looking at my mouth and face when I read to her.
The aliens have returned our James back to us from some weird planet. He is back to his happy self, thank goodness. He is also starting to watch out and take care of his little sister. He'll get her sippy cup for her and give it back to her after she's launched it off of her high chair. He's also sharing his coveted yogurt covered raisins with her, which she now adores, of course. He tickles her and also adoringly shuts her fingers in a drawer... ok, maybe he's not watching out for her 100% of the time. :)
One thing I want to write down about Kaitlyn that I don't want to forget is her ability to do the "downward facing dog" yoga position. Inverted V. She loves it and does it all of the time. Then she'll look at me and say, "Hi!" 'Atta girl, Namaste.