Friday, November 12, 2010

Don't trust this one

Nathan's Story:

So Kaitlyn is a little con artist. Unfortunately, she can get away with it.

I was doing laundry, folding sheets, and she had gotten into the Halloween candy. She brings over a full size bag of M&Ms and tells me, "Daddy, you haven't had any candy for a while. You should eat these."

I knew full well where she was going with this, but I decided to let it play out. I finished folding the sheets and went to sit on the couch. I proceeded to open the bag and eat a few M&Ms, all while Kaitlyn watched.

"Aren't those good? Those are M&Ms. They are really chocolatey." (really, she said chocolatey)

"Yes, Kaitlyn, they are good." I said. "I like M&Ms."

"I like M&Ms too!" she says.

I let a little time pass, eat a few more pieces.

"Yep, I really like M&Ms," she says. And this is what I was expecting for a while now. "Wanna share?"

And would you say no?


Kaitlyn has been singing the alphabet with Mimi a lot lately, it's adorable. Since I work upstairs I hear her singing because she's usually belting it out. We have a puzzle that has the letters on it, so they go one by one putting their fingers on the letter as they are singing. The great thing, and the weird thing, is that it's working.
Tonight, after reading a Star Wars book (her choice, yes), she started to point out letters of the words on the back page. Why I said it was weird is because the puzzle letters are all upper case, and these were mixed, starting with upper case and then lower case letters like usual. She knew almost ALL of the letters! I was SHOCKED! I am so proud of my little girl, she's so smart! :) She even trumped James at one point when he didn't know the "d" right away. WOW!