Kaitlyn's vocabulary is really taking off. I hear new words every day, and I'm told about new words by Nathan too. Yesterday he told me that she said "Kona".
Oh my goodness... Kona just barked really quietly, and Kaitlyn just mimicked me... "Hush up!" On no! ;)
She also just said "sleep" as she laid her head down on the couch. She says "thank you", "please", "duck", "foot", "toes", "paper", "side" for outside, etc. Her favorites still are NO and OWIE. :)
Update: It's now about a week later, and she has added "Jack", "Ashley", "sorry", "broccoli", "Grandma", "bird", "car", "go". Obviously I can't keep this up forever, but I think it's fun to keep jotting some down!