Well it's been about a week since I updated the blog... sorry.
I was on a work trip to Phoenix last weekend (shot a wedding)... one that was supposed to involve Nathan but didn't. He ended up staying home because he had forgotten to take the day off of work on Friday, and since he'd been in Greece for so long, he couldn't ask anyone else to cover for him. :( We were both bummed that he couldn't go.
The weekend went pretty fast for me, being super busy with the wedding. I was indeed lonely though, I'm not sure I remember the last time (if ever?) I ate by myself in restaurants 5 times in a row. The other thing that was completely weird to me... being in a hotel room and not having to verbalize ANYTHING! Ha.
The kids have been struggling with sicknesses this month, and so far there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. As soon as Nathan and I left for Greece, Mom (Grandma Kathy) had to take them into the doctor's office. They both had colds and ear infections and were sick and home from school pretty much the whole time we were in Greece. I just took them back to the doctor's office this afternoon to get re-checked. First of all because James threw up this morning (empty stomach thank goodness) for no apparent reason, second of all because Sandy wanted to check them again after two weeks. Turns out that Kaitlyn, the one with no symptoms, still has a really infected right ear. Gah. More antibiotics for her.
I'm hoping James gets better, from whatever it is that has manifested in his little body, before Thursday. He and I are supposed to fly to Minneapolis for Matt and Kari's wedding. Barring me being in the hospital... I'm going! James may have to stay home with Daddy and Kaitlyn though, we'll see.
The kids have each acquired funny sayings the last few weeks. Kaitlyn likes to say, "Hang on!" when I ask her to come to me. "No, Kaitlyn you don't tell Mommy to 'hang on' when I ask you to come to me," I tell her. Ha.
James has been saying, "The thing is..." about how he feels. "The thing is, Mom, I want to go to school!"
"Well, James, the thing is, you can't go to school after you throw up honey...." Ha.