What is a Swap Meet anyway? I just thought of it as a title of this blog because of the following story....
Today at lunch we were all sitting around our cozy little table, having sandwiches (kids LOVE the PB and J thing, so they were having that) and some leftover grilled zucchini from the other night. Kaitlyn is a veggie hound, if there is something green on her plate, she eats it. It's too funny. James, is the opposite... he's NOT a veggie hound, unless it is broccoli (which I think is a bit weird-ha). So when we were sitting around talking and eating, I looked at Kaitlyn's plate... PB and J, no zucchini. I looked at James' plate... no PB and J, lots of zucchini. Both kids were sitting there staring at their plates like it wasn't much fun eating today. Nathan and I looked at each other and knew exactly what the other was thinking.... We switched their plates and they both went to town! :)
I know I've mentioned the thing about the kids running under the sheets as Nathan and I fold them. Tonight we were folding them after Kaitlyn had gone to bed, so James was blissfully having this ritual all to himself. I came out with something like, "Oh my gosh, there's a boy under there!" at one point, and James laughed pretty hard. When we started to fold the next sheet, he went under it, and said while giggling, "There's gonna be a boy under here!" So cute.
In a bit of difficult kid news, James bonked his chin so hard on top of Kaitlyn's head this morning, that he chipped three of his teeth!!! These things happen so fast! I called my brother as soon as we figured out that his teeth were hurting and chipped (he didn't say anything right away, so we found out after his nap when he said his teeth hurt) to ask what to do. It seems like he'll be fine, but if he's still hurting in a few days or so, we're going to take him to a dentist. He probably should go anyway. Ha ha.