Wouldn't you like to wake up to this face every day?
We've had a few milestones in this house the last few days.
Kaitlyn and James both just started Safe Start yesterday, a swim lesson program at the YMCA for infants/toddlers to give them the necessary tools to stay alive if they fall into water. Beth was right in her most recent blog when she said that motherhood isn't for chumps. It's really hard to sit there and watch some stranger (kindly) dunking your child under water and then having them come up and almost throw up because they are crying so hard. BUT... yesterday was only the first day, and today went a little bit better. They both still cried the whole time (just like all the other kids do), but they did better on the whole. We have this every morning for the next 6 weeks. Our instructor said to me this morning that James might finish early since he's really doing well. Hooray! Does that mean I get some money back? Ha. RIGHT. I can't yet bring myself to take pictures of this "horrific" scene so you'll have to forgive me for that. I'm pretty sure you'll understand.
The other milestone is that James pee-peed on the potty like daddy does for the first time by himself. All by himself! And he didn't even make a mess. 'Atta boy! Be clean about it! ;) He told me that he had to go but he was mad enough at me for some reason that he didn't want any help so he said he could do it by himself. Well... I said, "SHOW ME!" and that got him over there really quickly. ha. Voilla! He did it!
Things for me have been a bit hectic lately between working and taking care of the kids and a sick husband. Nathan was only down for one day though, and his spirits were back up for his birthday (pics on June 8 blog). We had a good 'ol pizza party for him at my parent's house. Cameron, our niece, made him one of the best cakes I've eaten in a long time... butter cake with both chocolate and vanilla icing, and she decorated it with a football! How cute! Great job Cam!