James says breakbest, not breakfast like we're all used to hearing. It's cute, and I love it, so I don't correct him. Soon though, it'll have to happen.
This morning for breakfast, we were in a bit of a hurry. Nathan wanted to get he and James out the door since he had decided he would try something for the first time today: he would take James golfing with him. Harrison goes with Chris all of the time, and apparently is VERY well behaved while there. At first I scoffed at the idea, but then as Nathan tried to talk me into it I thought, "Well, it's your grave you're digging, not mine" so "Okay!" I said.
James was pouting about having to eat breakfast, especially since Daddy had already poured the Honey Nut Cheerios into his green bowl. "I don't want honey Cheerios, I want yogurt Cheerios Dad!" He was saying/whining. Nathan responded with the usual, "Well sorry bud, we don't have any yogurt Cheerios." {LIAR}
James says, "Yes we do! I'll show you!" So he went and got his chair and dragged it into the pantry to climb up to get the yogurt Cheerios. I'm not sure if he found them or not, but I remember Nathan saying, "I've already poured your honey Cheerios in your bowl so you need to eat those."
"NOOOOOOOOO!" squealed James. "I don't like honey Cheerios! Honey is for bears like on Super Sleuths!" (meaning Winnie the Pooh's Super Sleuth's on Disney).
Nathan threatened James not being able to go golfing at all... a few minutes passed, and then James ate his honey Cheerios.
Too bad for the boys though, they ended up at the park instead. Golf courses are apparently very busy on the 30th of December.