James... poor James. He was so tired today. He must not have gotten nearly enough sleep last night. He and I went over to my parent's house for dinner (crab! yum) and we didn't get home until 9. He went to bed then, but got up a bit early for a usual morning around here, which was around 7. Yes, I know several of you moms out there want to kill me right now because sleeping IN until 7 a.m. is a luxury to some of you, but just keep in mind the hell we'll go through when he starts Kindergarten next year. ;)
Anyway, he was tired.
He and Kaitlyn were fighting a lot this morning while our nanny, Mimi, was here. She had told me about it when I got home from my amazing, kick butt workout at the Y *hooray*, and they were still bickering as she was telling me. After lunch time it got pretty bad, so Mimi made the ultimate decision that both of them needed to go take naps. This went over like a lead balloon for James.
"I am NOT going upstairs! I am NOT taking a nap!" was what I heard from his mouth when I was upstairs trying to print my grocery list. Then I heard Mimi call my name. "Meredith... he kicked me."
UH OH. NO, you didn't James... :(
I hauled downstairs and put him on the naughty step immediately which sent his verbal rant up about 50 decibels.
"I am NOT going upstairs to bed. Mommy is NOT a good girl. Neither is Mimi. Mommy is usually a good girl but NOT today. I'm going to do something to them. I'm going to send them to bed with NO dinner."
Oh the foreshadowing irony.
He didn't nap, but he did rest. Kaitlyn didn't nap either. Sigh. But, at least they rested, and then later Mimi took them to the park to get the ants out of their pants for about an hour. She said they didn't stop once... which showed on their red faces when they got home.
Enter dinnertime. While they were gone at the park, I had made Broccoli Cheese soup and a Chicken and Rice Casserole (Paula Dean on FoodNetwork) that has lots of fun stuff in that is very good... to some people. :)
James has been complaining about dinner pretty much every night. He makes gagging sounds when he sits at the table (although it's totally fake), and says, "YUCK!"
I had mentioned this problem to a few of my girlfriends the other day and got a few good pointers. One was that I should explain to him that when he says that he hurts my feelings... like it would hurt his feelings if I said that I didn't like one of the paintings that he made for me. The other was a much more stern recommendation.... She told me that if he complains, take his dinner away and ask him to leave the table. I tried explaining to him about the "feelings" a few times before today, but it just didn't seem to sink in.
After about 10 minutes of all of us sitting at the table and James not eating and complaining, I did it. I took his meal away and put it by the sink. "Okay then, if you're just going to complain, you won't eat." Of course he started howling and crying, and then I told him that he was excused and he had to leave the table. Then he pipes up mid-blubber "... But I think I'm ready to eat my dinner now."
I looked at Nathan, and we agreed... too late kid. You had your chance. This sent him wailing and screaming off to the couch. Then he started in with the verbal stuff again, telling us, Nathan and me, that we had to go live somewhere else and that he was NOT going to eat EVER again. Ha!
Nathan took him up to take a bath and put him to bed. He cried through his whole bath. He spent a while hanging out in his bed and talking, then started asking for me to come upstairs. "Mommy, I'm hungry."
"Sorry James. You didn't eat dinner, you just complained so I took your dinner away. That will teach you a lesson. Go to sleep." He talked me into, well, more or less I talked myself into, giving him a drink of water and tucking him in.
Humph. I'm happy this day is over.
My blog is about my life as a Mom, a wife, and my kids. Stop by often and see what we're up to. Please leave comments, I love to read them!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Only a month!
Okay, it's been ONLY a month since my last post. UGH. I'm a loser.
However, I do have an excuse.. ha.
I have been facilitating a MOMS group and a retreat at St. Margaret Mary for the last 8 weeks, and now that it's over, I should have more time to blog and keep you all updated on what is going on in our lives. Facilitating the group and retreats at SMM are a bit time consuming, then when you throw in a part time job, two kids and a husband to cook for and take care of, life gets busy. No, I'm not complaining, I'm just "sayin'".
Kaitlyn is three now, and I do plan on posting about her birthday, plus pictures, so stay tuned. She's still struggling with potty training, she's finally interested in actually sitting on the little potty, but we've only made a small amount of progress. We were planning on trying to keep her in undies this weekend, but due to a last minute shopping trip yesterday/evening, and then her throwing up this morning (???) it's just not getting done. She may have a tummy bug, so we're on a holding pattern for a while.
Kaitlyn's speech is getting better and better. She is fine tuning her sounds, and when she talks she sounds like a kid instead of a toddler. My baby... she's growing up too fast! She is still Miss Independent, she has to do everything herself... and if you don't let her... watch OUT. Tantrums'R'Us.
James is doing very well in school, he still loves it so much. In fact, it's Spring Break this week, and I'm not sure what we're going to do with him! :)
However, I do have an excuse.. ha.
I have been facilitating a MOMS group and a retreat at St. Margaret Mary for the last 8 weeks, and now that it's over, I should have more time to blog and keep you all updated on what is going on in our lives. Facilitating the group and retreats at SMM are a bit time consuming, then when you throw in a part time job, two kids and a husband to cook for and take care of, life gets busy. No, I'm not complaining, I'm just "sayin'".
Kaitlyn is three now, and I do plan on posting about her birthday, plus pictures, so stay tuned. She's still struggling with potty training, she's finally interested in actually sitting on the little potty, but we've only made a small amount of progress. We were planning on trying to keep her in undies this weekend, but due to a last minute shopping trip yesterday/evening, and then her throwing up this morning (???) it's just not getting done. She may have a tummy bug, so we're on a holding pattern for a while.
Kaitlyn's speech is getting better and better. She is fine tuning her sounds, and when she talks she sounds like a kid instead of a toddler. My baby... she's growing up too fast! She is still Miss Independent, she has to do everything herself... and if you don't let her... watch OUT. Tantrums'R'Us.
James is doing very well in school, he still loves it so much. In fact, it's Spring Break this week, and I'm not sure what we're going to do with him! :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Class Easter parties
Pics from the kids' Easter parties at school!
Kaitlyn had a class egg hunt in the courtyard. You should have seen the place, there were WAY too many eggs... and not enough hiding spots! Ha.

Kaitlyn and her class (she's in the middle on the ground):
James makes a paper maché egg, ONLY with green tissue, of course!
Mrs. Roach reads an Easter story to the kids... where is James? He must be in the corner behind Mrs. Roach... Hmmm.
James eating the frosting off of a cupcake. I made the treats for the class this year! Cupcakes and sugar cookies. I was up 'til midnight. Ha.
Kaitlyn had a class egg hunt in the courtyard. You should have seen the place, there were WAY too many eggs... and not enough hiding spots! Ha.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Kaitlyn's 3rd Birthday Party!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Here is a series of photos of our kids' FIRST trip to Disney!!! :) We sure had a great time! We went with the Devitt family. Ted is my cousin on Mom's side. He and Jen have two boys, Riley and Carson. They are SO adorable!
Waiting in line to drive the cars... although we had to actually leave the line since they shut it down due to pretty bad crash that required a stretcher. Yikes.
On to DUMBO!!!

I LOVE this shot of the boys!

An HOUR and a half later:
Kaitlyn's face when seeing Mickey and Minnie at the "Meet Mickey" house...
We meet Mickey and Minnie! Never mind James' need to go to the bathroom. :)

The Parade!
Look! There is Woody!
James is excited for the parade! Strange look on his face! :)
Kaitlyn holds her new Snow White doll.

Time to chill on the monorail.
... and ZONK. Success.

The Parade!

Bobble Head James!
I still have YET to post the pictures from our trip out to Disney with the Devitts for Kaitlyn's birthday. BUT, I do have this to show you!
This is James trying OH so hard not to fall asleep on the way home. Notice Kaitlyn's rumbling snore coming from the other side of the car. ;)
FACEBOOK PEOPLE: Click on "view original post" to see the video on my blog.
This is James trying OH so hard not to fall asleep on the way home. Notice Kaitlyn's rumbling snore coming from the other side of the car. ;)
FACEBOOK PEOPLE: Click on "view original post" to see the video on my blog.
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